Formula 1
Nutritional Shake Mix*

Herbalife Formula 1

Being healthy includes achieving and maintaining the correct weight. Herbalife Shakes made with delicious Formula 1 Shake Mix can help you attain this. Whether you have one shake a day as part of a healthy meal, or two shakes a day as part of your weight loss programme, you can trust Formula 1 to deliver the perfect healthy solution.

Each serving of Herbalife Formula 1 contains 9 grams of high quality, non-GM soy and whey protein and will help you feel full and satisfied. It’s rich in vitamins and now contains the added benefit of Aminogen, a naturally derived ingredient that helps the body break down food protein into free-form amino acids.

One 560g container of Formula 1 will last the average person, on a weight loss regimen, 2 weeks. If you are a larger person or engage in vigorous sport or activity then you maye require a bit more per serving and it will last 10 days.

Type Size Price Qty
Berry Flavour 560 gms
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Cookies & Cream 560 gms
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Dutch Chocolate 560 gms
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French Vanilla 560 gms
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Mint Chocolate 560 gms
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Key by Eagle Eye from the Noun Project Key Product Benefits

herbal by Nociconist from the Noun Project Ingredients Listing

*Individual Results will vary.