Herbalife Inner Nutrition Products

Herbalife offers a range of high quality nutritional products including products for daily nutrition, a range of weight loss programs, targeted supplements for specific needs and products to boost your energy and fitness. You will see the full range of inner nutrition products below. To see a specific category of products use the tan-coloured menu items on the left.


Active Fibre Complex

Active Fibre Complex

It contains a blend of insoluble and soluble fibre which helps to promote a sense of overall well-being by maintaining healthy digestion.

Advanced Programme

Advanced Programme

The Advanced Programme contains all the products in the QuickStart but speeds your progress with the addition of Instant Herbal Beverage.

Calming Complex

Calming Complex

Calming Complex combines the calming properties of Chamomile with the nutritional benefits of Tang Kuei.



Cell-u-loss contains Corn Silk that is traditionally used to support fluid balance and support individuals with mild fluid retention.

Chitosan Fibre Complex

Chitosan Fibre Complex

Chitosan Fibre Complex provides 1.9g of dietary fibre per day when consumed as directed.

Collagen Drink

Collagen Drink

Supplement your collagen intake every day to nourish your body from within. With the additional benefits of antioxidant vitamins, selenium and biotin.

Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix

Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix

A healthy meal with up to 19 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients in five delicious flavours that can help support weight management.

Formula 1 Select Shake Mix

Formula 1 Select Shake Mix

Made from pea, quinoa & rice protein, this product is soy, dairy and gluten free.

Healthy Breakfast Pack

Healthy Breakfast Pack

This product pack gives you everything you need for a satisfying, highly nutritious breakfast that's also fast & easy to prepare. Maximum flavour options provided.

Herbal Aloe Concentrate

Herbal Aloe Concentrate

Herbal Aloe Drink Concentrate combines the goodness of aloe with a delicious citrus twist for a healthy digestive system.

Herbalife24 Achieve Protein Bars

Herbalife24 Achieve Protein Bars

Achieve Protein Bars provide long lasting energy to fuel your active lifestyle and get you through your day.

Herbalife24 BCAAs

Herbalife24 BCAAs

Herbalife24 BCAAs provides 5 grams of branched-chain amino acids, including 3 grams of leucine, 1 grams of isoleucine and 1 grams of valine to spark lean muscle growth and recovery.

Herbalife24 CR7

Herbalife24 CR7

Quality performance starts with solid nutrition. Taken any time during the day, this healthy meal is specifically formulated for athlete's daily dietary needs.

Herbalife24 Formula 1 Sport

Herbalife24 Formula 1 Sport

Quality performance starts with solid nutrition. Taken any time during the day, this healthy meal is specifically formulated for athlete's daily dietary needs.

Herbalife24 Hydrate

Herbalife24 Hydrate

A low calorie source of bioavailable electrolytes designed for advanced hydration. Whatever your activity level, take any time to maintain body fluid levels.

Herbalife24 LIftOff

Herbalife24 LIftOff

Herbalife24 LiftOff is a unique blend of Panax ginseng, L-taurine, caffeine, guarana extract, inositol, vitamin C and B vitamins.

Herbalife24 Prepare

Herbalife24 Prepare

Prepare’s Nitric Oxide (NO) precursor system supports NO production, helping increase oxygen delivery to working muscles.

Herbalife24 Programme

Herbalife24 Programme

A comprehensive Sports Nutrition programme catering to the needs of athletes and active people.

Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength

Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength

After working out, a blend of free amino acids, whey and casein proteins help rebuild muscle over a multi-hour period.



Herbalifeline is an excellent way to supplement your daily intake of Omega-3 fatty acids.

High Protein Iced Coffee

High Protein Iced Coffee

High Protein Iced Coffee is expertly blended with 100% Robusta espresso coffee beans with the benefits of 15g whey protein.

Instant Herbal Beverage

Instant Herbal Beverage

Instant Herbal Beverage is infused with extracts from green and orange pekoe tea to support your mental acuity while providing you the additional boost of energy.

Joint Support Advanced

Joint Support Advanced

Joint Support Advanced helps maintain healthy joint function and comfort and supports healthy ageing with a unique proprietary formula.

LiftOff ™ Energy Drink

LiftOff ™ Energy Drink

Increase energy and improve mental clarity for better performance throughout the day with this effervescent energy drink.

Multivitamin Complex

Multivitamin Complex

A daily multivitamin in tablet form with over 20 essential nutrients and antioxidants, including folic acid, calcium and iron.

Nature's Raw Guarana (NRG)

Nature's Raw Guarana (NRG)

Get a natural pick-me-up with the benefits of guarana in a convenient tablet. Guarana seeds can increase mental alertness and help maintain energy.

NiteWorks (Lemon)

NiteWorks (Lemon)

Niteworks is a dietary supplement formulated with L-arginine and L-citrulline that help the body create more life supporting nitric oxide.

Personalised Protein Powder

Personalised Protein Powder

Personalised Protein Powder is a convenient way to supplement dietary protein, helping you stay lean and fit.

Protein Bars

Protein Bars

Instead of grabbing a chocolate bar, treat yourself to a Protein Bar. Each deliciously soft and chewy bar is packed with nutrition. Available in 3 delicious flavours.

Protein Drink Mix

Protein Drink Mix

Satisfy your hunger, build muscle tissue, maintain lean muscle mass, and stay energized with the power of protein.

Protein Plus Programme

Protein Plus Programme

The Protein Plus Programme mainly focuses on high protein shakes, to assist with hunger management. It includes additional protein and only one supplement - Multivitamin Complex.

QuickStart Programme

QuickStart Programme

The QuickStart Programme adds 2 products to the shape up programme - Active Fibre Complex and Nature's Raw Guarana. Designed to assist with different aspects of weight loss.

Relaxation Tea

Relaxation Tea

Relaxation Tea is a specially formulated herbal blend of Lemon Balm, Passionflower, Lavender and Chamomile.



An exclusive blend of herbs (rosemary, turmeric and astragalus) and vitamins to support healthy immune function.

Shape Up Programme

Shape Up Programme

This is the budget programme that contains the basic elements of the weight loss regimen. Nutritional protein shake mix, multivitamin complex and cell-u-loss.

Simply Probiotic

Simply Probiotic

Simply Probiotic Is a durable, science-backed probiotic, designed for versatile and convenient daily use.

Tri Blend Select

Tri Blend Select

Tri Blend Select is a deliciously creamy protein shake offering you naturally sourced nutrition and great taste. High in protein & fibre and low in sugar.

Ultimate Programme

Ultimate Programme

Herbalife's Ultimate Programme contains a complete range of products to maximise your weight loss results.



Taking a calcium supplement daily, in addition to a healthy diet and regular weight-bearing exercise, helps maintain strong healthy bones.